Balance in Autumn
Changes in the season are one of the many reasons we notice signs from our body of imbalance. Those typical in Autumn are:
digestive disorders, feeling ungrounded, restless and anxious, poor sleep, dry cracked skin, popping and painful joints and poor circulation.
This yummy beetroot and sweet potato + lentil curry is really great for Pitta dosha conditions (e.g. inflammation, stress and poor absorption) or for anyone in the Summer season.
Nasya for Self Care
Nasya is the Ayurvedic method of herbal medicine administered via the nasal cavity for many common manifestations of imbalance that occur above the collar bone.
Autumn Provokes Vata Dosha
Autumn provokes the Vata Dosha, which is dominated by the elements of Space and Air. In order to avoid elemental imbalance, we need to encourage the less dominant elements: water; earth and fire.
Self Massage - Self LOVE
Self Massage (or Abhyanga) is one of the most commonly prescribed Ayurvedic methods for self healing in balancing your Dosha.
Daily Detox
Ayurveda teaches us to support our bodies natural capacity for detoxification with remedies that are most effective as part of a daily routine.
Yoga for Chakra Healing
Yoga can be used as a tool to activate and align chakras for healing and transformation.
Summer Season and Pitta Dosha
Ayurveda is an ancient system of preventing disease by finding a rhythm with nature's elements.
In Summer, your fire element can be aggravated, leading to Pitta Dosha imbalance and related disease manifestation.
This article offers advice about indicators of Pitta Dosha and self care tips to help you avoid disease.
Winter can provoke Kapha Dosha
Sluggish? Lethargic? Melancholy? Extra Weight?
These are signs of Kapha imbalance, which can lead to disease. To create balance in Winter, pacify Kapha.
Breathe to thrive
Do you know... The way you breathe has a direct impact on your body's capacity to thrive (in order to fight virus, avoid disease and kick some serious arse in this lifetime)?
Summer is the Season of the FIRE element
According to Ayurveda we contain a unique combination of each of the five great elements in varying balance.
Fire is needed for motivation and digestion so we can pursue creatively with strength and vigour.
But here are some Ayurvedic tips to temper your fire so you don’t burn out.
What is Full Moon Yoga?
In the full moon you are invited to feel the energy of the moon and the subtle influences. This is a teacher’s guide to planning a full moon Yoga session.
Viparita Karani in Wilsons Prom
Look no further for a simple healing technique: This is THE pose of rejuvenation and vitality.
Learn how, why and what the hell I’m doing on top of a mountain.
Lets talk: Menopause
While we are all different, there are a range of common symptoms that we can manage with Yoga.
Additionally, Yoga can provide strategies to help live with the changes in your body and mind.
Here is FREE Yoga class for you to try.
What is Yin and Yang? Sthira and Sukha?
Why do we use the ancient Chinese Philosophy of Yin and Yang in the practices of Yoga which are from ancient India?
What is Yin Yoga and try this free Yin Yoga and Meditation class for healing and balance.
Introduction to Ayurveda
Ayurveda was established 5000 years ago but is still so relevant today.
Read this post to learn about
What is Ayurveda;
What are the Doshas;
How to do a Dosha Assessment; and
What are the Ayurvedic Remedies