Summer Season and Pitta Dosha
Ayurveda is an ancient system of preventing disease by finding a rhythm with nature's elements.
In Summer, your fire element can be aggravated, indicated by these signs:
⚡️exhaustion / burn out
⚡️irritability and frustration
⚡️dehydration or feeling dry
⚡️inflammation (e.g. skin, eyes and digestion)
⚡️competitive and perfectionistic
When you notice these changes, take these as precious signs from your body that deserve your attention in self care.
I hope these tips help you find a rhythm with nature!
Summer Self Care TIPS to avoid imbalance and disease
Hydrate more than usual both internal and externally
e.g. Sip warm water between meals; Add healthy fats in your food; Cook your vegies in water/broth; Anoint your tissues with daily oil massage.
Allow quality rest every day
Substitute your Vinyasa Practice with either Yin Yoga or Restorative Yoga
Reduce drying foods and herbs.
e.g. popcorn; cornchips; crackers, dry ginger, chilli; pepper, and honey.
Reduce heating foods and herbs.
e.g. chilli, cumin, pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, fermented foods and drinks
Increase cooling* foods and herbs
e.g. berries, coconut milk/yogurt/flesh, cucumber, lime, mint, jasmine, rose, and lavender.
*Cooling does not mean cold.
Meditation to calm your nervous system and busy mind.
e.g. Yoga Nidra Meditation is excellent for Pitta Dosha.
Info is general in nature. You are unique. Be guided by your bodies signals and Let me know if you have any insights or questions.