Breathe to thrive
Do you know... The way you breathe has a direct impact on your body's capacity to thrive (in order to fight virus, avoid disease and kick some serious arse in this lifetime)?
Shallow breathing is really common when we are rushing around, stressed or anxious. This state of being is so common that shallow breathing has become a habit and we've actually forgotten how to breath deeply to thrive.
Here lies the problem. Shallow breathing contributes to activating the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in the release of stress hormones as a priority instead of those that will help you thrive for:
digestion, reproduction, immunity, healing, tissue development, metabolism, emotional regulation and lateral thinking.
Physiologically, you are not designed to be both stressed and thriving.
Change the Breath to Thrive Instead of Survive: HOW?
1.) Awareness.
Observe your breath without judgement - just notice.
2.) Breathe consciously.
This is easier said than done. The key is finding a technique that works for you and practice, practice, practice.
3.) Form a deep breathing habit
Here are some breath practices
Take a deep breath OUT (not IN) - beginner
Calm with Belly Breath - beginner
Slow your out breath (to encourage calm) - beginner to intermediate
Nadi Shodona - intermediate
Sama Vritti (equal breath to) - intermediate
You can read more about some of these practices here. Let me know how you go.
Here's to belly breathing!
From Nat