What is Full Moon Yoga?

Just like the ocean, we are influenced by forces of the moon. Even though subtle, these forces are amplified during the full moon and so you are invited to work with these in the Yoga practice.
Tune in and you might notice: more personal insights; deeper emotion and feelings on all levels (i.e love, hate, anger, frustration); and fatigue (as a result of the former).

The energy of the moon is considered to be related to our inner calm, nurturing and reflective nature. These can be referred to as feminine traits but have nothing at all to do with gender. This is opposite to the sun energy (more about that later).

The tools of Yoga to encourage the feminine energy within during a full moon are:
- conscious breathing with longer exhale to encourage calm and release
- slow flowing sequences that help build fluidity in the body (muscles, joints and fascia) and connect to the water element within
- forward folding postures to also encourage calming of the nervous system (to allow for clear thought and rational emotional response)
- intuitive movement rather than structured expectations of your body and the shapes on the mat (so a bit less alignment based).
- moments of stillness and contemplation.

In the Vedic and (subsequently the Hindu) tradition, one of the most recognisable forms of feminine energy is that of Durga Ma: the goddess of strength and (nurturing) protection. Seen riding a tiger while rocking 10 weapons in her 10 arms, the mythology of Durga Maa and her avatar Kali Maa teaches us about the delicate balance in mastering an inner calm in order to effectively fight for our truth and purpose.
Jai Durga Maa!
Jai Kali Maa!


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